Attack with LarryC!

Continuing Tribute to Walter S. Browne

Larry Christiansen was a friend of the late Walter Shawn Browne, who prematurely passed away on June, 24 2015. In this episode of his acclaimed show, Larry continues his tribute to the great Browne, going through fond memories and funny anectodes. Today's game is the encounter between Walter Browne and Aleksander Wojtkiewicz, at the 2004 US Open. In the 21st century, the late "six-time" got back to his beloved 1. e4, after years of playing 1.d4. This is a brilliant example of a very nice effort by the great US GM in the Najdorf variation of the Sicilian defense. As an apetizer, Larry shows us a clip from the game Anthony Miles vs. Alexander Shabalov form 1994, in which Shabalov demonstrates all his attacking skills.

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