Strong Outpost - Part 5

Many amateurs play for mate or for the win of material; however, many fail to recognize the importance of squares. Seizing squares is just as important as taking pawns, or getting a lead in development, or getting a better minor piece, etc. Weak squares are those which cannot be defended by a pawn. These weak squares are thus open to occupation by an enemy piece. A square that cannot be defended by a pawn is often called a "HOLE". Such a square makes excellent home for a piece, because the piece cannot be chased away by opponent's pawn. From the attacking perspective we call it "outpost" for our forces. Outpost: A square that supports a piece, protected by a pawn, which cannot be attacked by an enemy pawns. Outposts are a favorable position from which we can launch an attack, particularly using a knight. Knights are most efficient when they are close to the enemy's stronghold. One of the primary strategies of chess is securing strong outposts to your pieces. GM Boris, in this new and interesting series, teaches us how to create and use a strong outpost.

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