Attack with LarryC!

Mikenas' Gold

Some say that nowadays computers play more and more like humans. GM Christiansen shows us that such an affirmation isn't exactly true. In a game played between Gambit Tiger and Shredder, Gambit Tiger finds a combination that, had it been played by a human, would have made the kibitzers think the human player had gone crazy. Not only the incredible accuracy of the moves, but the 'ideas' behind the deadly attacking plan are what make this combo unique. The main course is a classic game, played in 1941, which shows, to say it with Larry's words "overdoing the attack against a weakened castle position". The quite famous Vladas Makinas, in this game from the Georgian Championship, shows all his aggressive - if not a bit too aggressive - play, and his opponent Sergey Fedorovich Lebedev becomes a punching-ball during the ferocious attack. Enjoy another great episode of "Attack with LarryC!".

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