Attack with LarryC!

More Great Judgement and Planinc

In this week's show, Larry starts with an amazing defense by a silicon player: in a game between Shredder and Gull, the former looks totally and hopelessly lost. Black threatens checkmate in 1, and the defense appears impossible. But Shredder finds an astounding combination, forcing the game to a draw, sacrificing its Queen and turning its Rook into a suicidal last piece, to finally get stalemated! Larry then moves on to show us a second combination played in a game between Boris Gulko and Anatoly Kremen, getting back to the main theme: attacking the weakened castle position. The technique is simple to explain: you provoke a weakness around the castled king, and then throw in your resources to attack the exposed monarch. The main dish of this show is a game played between Ljubomir Ljubojevic and Albin Planinc, two great attacking players.

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